The thyroid gland is prompted to release thyroid hormones into the blood by thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). When the thyroid doesn’t respond properly, you may develop either hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). Risks may arise when you eliminate whole food groups, or worry about avoiding specific foods (such as soy, cruciferous veggies, gluten) and is not the answer to thyroid health. In the absence of strong scientific data supporting the association of most of these popular diets with thyroid disease, patients should be reassured that eating a well-rounded, balanced diet, and avoiding any unnecessary dietary restrictions offers the best strategy for overall health. It’s far more important that you focus on eating for your general well-being rather than following a diet that won’t necessarily support a healthy thyroid. Thyroid disorders can be managed well when evaluated, diagnosed and treated by a highly trained thyroid medical professional.